Earlington Drug and Alcohol Treatment
Call (215) 529-9998 Today from Drug and Alcohol Treatment near Earlington PA
Earlington Drug and Alcohol Treatment in Bucks County Pennsylvania

Bucks County Counseling is an outpatient counseling facility run by Amy and Rich Brown, two drug and alcohol treatment counselors who are deeply involved in the recovery community with extensive experience in the healing process. Our facility strives to provide individual treatment to those in need of alcohol and drug treatment in Earlington PA and the surrounding areas by providing a relaxed, comfortable setting. Our philosophy revolves around catering to the individual through one-on-one or small group sessions in a deliberately intimate treatment facility.
Our team of highly qualified therapists genuinely care for alcoholics, addicts, and their families especially those throughout Bucks County Pennsylvania. When you meet with Amy and Rich, you and your loved ones unique mental, spiritual, emotional and social needs are always taken into consideration and no treatments are exactly alike. For individuals in need of an intensive outpatient program (IOP), Bucks County Counseling is a state-licensed IOP treatment facility. Here, the drug and alcohol counselors of Bucks County Counseling lead sessions that cater to small groups in a warm, nurturing environment. An IOP can vary in level of care depending on whether or not the individual is transitioning from a detoxification or inpatient stay, but it can also be the recommended treatment depending on the severity of the drug or alcohol addiction.
Earlington Drug and Alcohol Treatment: Inpatient Referrals & Follow-up
Bucks County Counseling has close relationships with many of those within the treatment community of Bucks County Pennsylvania and throughout the United States. Inpatient treatment may be the best option for alcohol and drug treatment in instances where continuous use of substances puts an individual at risk of serious damage to their health or severe withdrawal symptons, or where severe behavior or emotional problems exist. The drug and alcohol treatment counselors at Bucks County Counseling will be able to best evaluate you or you loved one's individual needs for an inpatient treatment facility near Earlington PA. We will also orchestrate and assist with the intake process.
In addition to assisting in the admittance to an inpatient treatment program near Earlington PA, the alcohol and drug counselors at Bucks County Counseling believe it is just as important to receive the appropriate form of outpatient care as you or your loved one transitions from an inpatient facility. As such, the addiction counselors at Bucks County Counseling will work with inpatient care centers to ensure that your outpatient care continues to provide you with similar motivation and energy.
Earlington Drug and Alcohol Treatment Counselors

The counselors at Bucks County Counseling are both trained and licensed therapists in Bucks County Pennsylvania. Frequently, we are requested to assist with interventions when friends and family are concerned that their loved one is in need of drug and alcohol treatment. Our professional addiction counselors believe that an intervention must match the particular needs and situation in order for it to be most successful, but this does not mean you as a partner, spouse, sibling, or friend of an individual with drug or alcohol problems should wait for the problem to get worse to take action.
Call our intervention specialist now at (215) 921-1810 for more information. All interventions performed with Bucks County Counseling are led by a licensed counselor.
If you believe that you or someone you love may be experiencing problems with drugs or alcohol, Bucks County Counseling is here to help. When you have these concerns, individuals in Earlington PA and the surrounding area must go through a preliminary, clinical screening in order for counselors to diagnose if a problem with drugs and alcohol is present and if the individual will be receptive to drug and alcohol treatment. Additionally, a clinical screening can assess which treatment options will be the most helpful
At Bucks County Counseling, we do not charge for clinical screenings concerning alcohol and drug treatment in individuals from Earlington PA and the surrounding area. Please call our addiction counselor directly at (215) 921-1810 for more information.
Drug and Alcohol Treatment Services Include:
- Intensive Outpatient Services
- General Outpatient Services
- Inpatient Referrals
- Inpatient Follow-ups
- Clinical Assessments & Screenings
- Anger Management
- Couples Counseling
- Family Counseling
- Mental Health Counseling
- Life Counseling
If you are in need of Earlington drug and alcohol treatment or are searching for Earlington drug and alcohol treatment for yourself or loved one near Earlington PA 18918, call (215) 529-9998 or send us a message today.